The kiwi specialist

Our story begins in 2001, when some companies located in Emilia-Romagna, Italy, leaders in the sector of fresh fruits and vegetables, join forces to win the world exclusive for the production and marketing of the Jintao variety of yellow pulp kiwi.
The new variety is first cultivated on farms in the Romagna area but soon the cultivation would extend to the entire Italian peninsula. The fruits of yellow pulp kiwi are surprising for their sweetness and juiciness, the demand from consumers explodes with word of mouth, giving great momentum to the Italian fruit growers, who were just coming out of the crisis of the nineties.
After the successes achieved with the yellow pulp kiwi, the offer is extended to the green pulp kiwi, expanding the production base and including 800 farms in different countries around the world.
Production began in countries in the southern hemisphere, through international cooperation with local producers, in order to guarantee the supply of this special fruit for all 12 months of the year.
Jingold becomes a direct link between the production base and the market, with the mission of valorising the marketed fruits in the best way possible, increasing the brand’s reputation and meeting the expectations of consumers and customers in terms of the taste, quality, value and healthiness of the products supplied.

In 2013, Jingold acquired licenses for other new varieties of kiwis (Jinyan with yellow pulp, Boerica and Z5Z6 with green pulp, Oriental Red® with red pulp, winner of the Innovation Award 2019 in Berlin as the best innovation in fruit and vegetables). Today, Jingold is the kiwi specialist, a reference point for operators in the sector looking for quality and innovation.

It surpasses the expectations of consumers and customers in terms of taste, quality, value and healthiness of the products supplied, through ethical production, sustainable for man and the environment, as well as the adoption of innovative strategies to increase the competitiveness of the associated companies, the well-being of workers and operators participating in our supply chain.

Jingold seeks to be globally recognised as the kiwi specialist.
The producers
The producers who gave birth to Jingold are young, forward-looking and they have modern, high-value-added agriculture in mind.
They invest in innovation, both in terms of techniques and in the cultivars.
The organisation of the supply chain allows everyone to have high-level technical assistance, quality agronomists and cutting-edge techniques.
Experience and dynamism. Together, we create a very strong group and a beautiful story.